
หน้าหลัก > รายละเอียดหนังสือ
Human rights and climate change :  the law on loss and damage /  Linnea Nordlander.

Human rights and climate change : the law on loss and damage / Linnea Nordlander.

Nordlander, Linnea.

Book Content

1. Introduction -- 2. Context -- 3. Systemic Integration of Human Rights and Loss and Damage -- 4. An Analysis of Loss and Damage in International Climate Change Law -- 5. Loss and Damage as Enforcement? -- 6. Remedies for Loss and Damage -- 7. Conclusion


ผู้แต่ง Nordlander, Linnea. (1)
ISBN 9781032416816 (paperback)
เลขเรียกหนังสือ Electronic Book
พิมพลักษณ์ London ;New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2024.
จำนวนหน้า 1 online resource.

Climatic -- changes -- Law -- and -- legislation. (1)

Climatic -- changes -- Law -- and -- legislation. (1)

Environmental -- law, -- International. (4) International -- law -- and -- human -- rights. (2)

Liability -- for -- climatic -- change -- damages. (1)

Liability -- for -- climatic -- change -- damages. (1)

Liability -- for -- human -- rights -- violations. (1)

Liability -- for -- human -- rights -- violations. (1)



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