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Pro-poor development policies :  lessons from the Philippines and East Asia /  edited by Hal Hill, Majah-Leah V. Ravago, James A. Roumasset.

Pro-poor development policies : lessons from the Philippines and East Asia / edited by Hal Hill, Majah-Leah V. Ravago, James A. Roumasset.

Book Content

Part 1: Introduction and Synthesis -- 1. From Agriculture to Competition: Overview and Lessons from the Philippines and Asia for Pro-poor Development -- 2. Philippine Economic Development in Comparative Perspective: An Interpretative Essay -- Part 2: Agricultural and Economic Development -- 3. Trade Distortions as Constraints to Agricultural Development in East Asia -- 4. Beyond Krugman: The Importance of Agriculture for East Asian Growth -- 5. The Role of Agricultural and Structural Transformations in Rural Poverty Reduction -- 6. The Changing Relationship between Farm Size and Productivity: Asia and the Philippines -- 7. The Political Economy of Rice Policy in the Philippines -- 8. Adapting Philippine Agriculture to Climate Change -- Part 3: Economic Policies for AchievingTargeted Levels of Living in the Philippines -- 9. Low Income Traps and Philippine Poverty Incidence -- 10. The Philippines in Global Manufacturing Value Chains: A Tale of Arrested Growth -- 11. The Limits of Trade Policy Liberalization in the Philippines -- 12. Reaching for the Demographic Dividend to Achieve Inclusive Economic Growth -- 13. Collateralizing Wages: The Case of Sangla ATM -- Part 4: Inequality and Economic Development -- 14. An Essay on Markets, Distributive Justice and Social Safety Nets -- 15. Convergence of Philippine Spatial Inequality during the American Colonial Period -- 16. Social Differentiation: The Middle Class and Its Discontents -- 17. Redistributive Preferences and Prospects for Intergenerational Mobility in Southeast Asia -- Part 5: Competition Law and Policy -- 18. Adopting and Adapting Competition Policy: Asian Illustrations -- 19. Competition and Employment Growth in the Philippines: A Baseline Assessment -- 20. Buyer Power and Late Payment Behaviour in the Shoe Capital of the Philippines -- 21. Regulation, Market Evolution and Competition in the Philippine Microfinance Sector -- 22. Tariffication and Market Structure: The Case of the Philippine Rice Industry -- 23. The Role of Government Subsidies in Philippine Agricultural Competition -- Part 6: International Dimensions -- 24. Modernization of the Global Rice Market -- 25. International Cooperation for Development: Learning from Trade and Tax Policies -- Index.


ISBN 9789815011067
เลขเรียกหนังสือ Electronic Book
พิมพลักษณ์ Singapore : ISEAS Publishing, 2022.
จำนวนหน้า lviii, 756 pages : ill.

Agriculture -- Economic -- aspects -- East -- Asia. (1)

Economic -- development -- East -- Asia. (2)

Economic -- development -- Philippines. (1)

Electronic -- books. (343)

Equality -- Philippines. (1)

Philippines -- Economic -- policy. (2)
Hill, Hal, 1948- (3)

Roumasset, James A. (1)

Ravago, Majah-Leah V. (1)

ประเภทสิ่งพิมพ์ E-Book


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